2007 Thus Far
First, welcome to 2007, sorry I've been remiss on updating the blog (I'll try to do better), and I hope your new year is going well.
My first male/male romance debuted end of December. If I can load it, I'll post a cover of the book here. It's a generic cover, meaning others in the series look just like it, but what's between the covers is 100% my raunch. Here’s the link to the publisher’s website with information about the novella.
A friend who worked for AOL sent me a link to the latest employee tee-shirts that I thought I'd share. For those who aren’t familiar with the goings-on at America Online, the company used to be a great internet service provider and a fun place to work (I put in some time there myself about 8 years ago). Then they merged with Time Warner (another good company – it’s just that the cohesion wasn’t great for business, customers, or employees). Around 2001, they started laying off their employees. By 2003 it became an annual expectation. First, they flew a group of technicians from the Oklahoma call center to India and had them train their replacements, without tell them at the time that they’d be let go once they touched ground back in the States. That’s the background for the images on the tee-shirts you’re about to see. (There are several, if you care to view 'em.)
My first booksigning is coming up January 20th - it was supposed to be in November then December 2006, but scheduling problems forced us to move the date. I'm a tad nervous.
La Bella Luna's debut was moved from January 16th to January 23rd, but the edits are almost completed, and the book (which I thought was pretty darned good anyway) is tons better for having had editor Angela James's hands on it. The woman is amazing. My cover, again, was done by the fabulous Scott Carpenter—I’m really pleased with it.
Until next time...
Hi! I've been missing your blog. :)
WB! Congrats on the new cover and release.
Love the shirt, geesh.
Mechele aka Lany of Melany Logen
A female friend of my husband's just had a male/male romance accepted for publication. My husband doesn't "get it." (Big surprise...) Asked me tons of questions I don't know the answers to. One is - who is the fan base? Do women read these books?
(Read the excerpt. Impressed. So well written.)
Happy New year, Lynn! Missed you!
Happy New Year! Wow - I love the cover and the blurb of Wild Winter m/m book - it's HAWT!
And La Bella Luna looks wonderful - Congrats!!!!!
And LOL about the teeshirt - although I'm sure there are those not laughing at all...
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