Thursday, July 16, 2009

Squeeze Those Jelly Donuts

Gretchen sent another kewl photo from the RWA conference - it's of keynote speaker Janet Evanovich. According to Gretchen, Janet says that writers are like jelly donuts. The jelly is the creativity, and when we're squeezed the creativity comes out the ole romance writing hole (as opposed to the plumber's hole, etc).

Okay. Like I'm gonna turn down any little tidbit from the queen of chick lit mystery?

Where's the bath towel? Because I always leave messes when I squeeze. Eeew.

On a different note...Ann, THE BAT DAME, and her family included me on an afternoon of delights yesterday. I got to reunite with Ann's girls and sister, Jane, and this time I got to meet The Bat Mom, who is absolutely fabulous. Ann's daughters are drop-dead gorgeous. Jane looks wonderful. And 'mom' doesn't look a day over...well...20 years younger than she really is. They all were beautiful. Oh. And Ann got her belly button pierced the day before - lol. They figured it up...15 piercings among her and the girls. She said other mothers take their daughters for walks on the beach to talk about periods. She and her girls bond by getting something pierced and shopping their butts off. Hey - works for me.

We went to the old downtown OP and shopped at Penzeys Spices. I gotta go back and pick up some BBQ 3000, some of their chili seasoning, a delicious smelling cinnamon from Viet Nam, and a bottle of Tellicherry Indian Black Pepper. Later, we shopped at an antique furniture store and got something to drink at a neighborhood coffee shop. *sigh* I love days like that.
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THANKS for the pic of Janet, Gretchen!
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And THANK YOU to Ann and her family for including me for the fun yesterday. Love you all.

More later. In the meantime, all you donutes start squeezing your jelly.

~ Sunny



At 4:09 AM, Blogger Sam said...

Sounds like fun! Love Janet's books - and - jelly donuts????

At 12:54 PM, Blogger Bobbie (Sunny) Cole said...

she has to be one of the most interesting writers to me - lol. I remember reading something she wrote when she figured out she wasn't a romance writer. She'd already sold to Harlequin, but her daughter said mom...this isn't you.

Janet said she was trying to sleep, sat up in the dark when she had her epiphany, and shouted: It's a DICK! (as in, not a throbbing member or some other euphamism she might have used as a romance author)

She said from then on, she wrote what seemed to come naturally to her, and Stephanie Plum was born.

dontcha love that? - lol


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